
media x capital is a semi-regular newsletter about media and its relationship to the economic system it operates within, capitalism. it contains interviews with activists, scholars, journalists, and others on these topics, as well as collections of relevant readings, news, and the occasional book review + reflection.

me: i'm kate harloe, an independent writer who has been researching, writing, and digging into questions around the future of media and capitalism for years. i'm currently writing a series for the alt-global magazine Popula about these same ideas—it's called "Mediaquake", and you can find more about that here. In 2023, I was invited to be a writer-in-residence at Mesa Refuge to write a proposal for a book about radically reimagining the media system. I was also invited to be a writer-in-residence at Blue Mountain Center, as part of a residency organized by the Future of Local News (FLN), to continue this work. my writing has appeared in local and national publications across the country including Mother Jones, The Drift, and San Francisco Magazine, among others; and i'm a proud member of the national writers union freelance solidarity project and the media power collaborative. you can find out more about me at my website: kateharloe.com.

joining! you can subscribe now to stay up to date and receive emails when new editions of the newsletter are published. this newsletter is free and I will keep it that way, though you can pay for the subscription if you would like and are able to.

thank you so much for your support. every time a new person indicates interest in engaging on these ideas, reading my musings, or supporting this work in ways that range from emotional to material, i feel so grateful. i truly appreciate each one of you being here.

note on subscribing: after you subscribe on this site, make sure to check your email inbox for an email from ghost and click "confirm signup." if it doesn't show, make sure to check your spam folder. if you have any trouble, please contact me at kateharloe@gmail.com.

*cover art: "Chaos" by Marco Flagg, Washington Park, Albany, New York.